How Old Coast Pickleball Club Achieved 100% Member Retention with CourtReserve and DUPR


Old Coast Pickleball Club (OCP), owned by CourtReserve co-founders Tim and Ashley Owens, was created with a vision to provide a top-tier indoor pickleball experience in the North-East Florida region.

Opening its doors on April 26, 2024, it has quickly grown into a popular destination in the St. Augustine sports community, recognized for its innovative approach to member engagement and competitive play. 

From the outset, Tim and Ashley had a clear vision for OCP: to cultivate a thriving community of pickleball enthusiasts while ensuring a fair and competitive playing environment. 

Achieving this balance proved challenging, especially as the club grew and attracted players with varying skill levels.

This was a mission shared by club director, Jack Johnson.

“Many of our members were looking for more than just a place to play; they wanted a way to measure their progress and ensure they were competing on a level playing field.”

Jack Johnson, Director, Old Coast Pickleball Club

Enter DUPR’s Pickleball Rating System

Recognizing the need for a standardized rating system, OCP turned to the Dynamic Universal Pickleball Rating (DUPR) system.

Despite the customizable options available within CourtReserve, Tim and Ashley chose DUPR for its wide acceptance and objective metrics.

“DUPR provides a universally recognized rating system that our members trust,” says Tim.

“It was the perfect solution to foster fair competition and encourage player improvement.”

The simplicity of the DUPR registration process was also a key factor.

“It’s easy for players to sign up for a DUPR account for free. The process is straightforward, and members can start seeing their ratings improve as they participate in events,” Jack adds.

TABLE: This chart highlights the key improvements Old Coast Pickleball Club experienced after integrating CourtReserve and DUPR. The system streamlined player skill tracking, introduced a standardized rating system, and automated tournament management—leading to enhanced match quality, reduced admin time, and a 100% member retention rate.

DUPR Implementation and Integration

Integrating DUPR with CourtReserve was a pivotal step in enhancing the club’s value to members.

“The integration process was smoother than we anticipated,” says Jack.

“CourtReserve’s support team was instrumental in addressing the few challenges we faced, mainly aligning the systems to ensure accurate data transfer.”

By implementing DUPR, OCP could objectively rank players, providing them with clear goals and the opportunity to “level up.”

This system not only attracted new members but also kept existing ones engaged, contributing to the club’s outstanding retention rate.

Each game is pre-arranged and carefully timed, ensuring equal playtime for all participants.

With a maximum of 10 players, there’s equal court time to hone skills.

Plus, all scores are submitted to DUPR, helping players establish and improve their rating for future competitive events.

It’s a perfect mix of play and competition.

Example of the DUPR product on desktop and mobile app.

IMAGE: Example of the DUPR product on desktop and mobile app.

Member Engagement and Feedback

Since integrating DUPR, member engagement at OCP has soared.

“Our members love that they can count on getting good games, thanks to DUPR and CourtReserve,” Jack explains.

“Knowing they’ll be matched with players of similar skill levels has made them more willing to invest in their membership and even fork out extra dollars for lessons.”

Feedback from members has been enthusiastic, with many praising the transparency and fairness of the rating system.

“It’s really added value to their experience,” Jack adds.

Our 100% retention rate speaks volumes. For other club owners considering DUPR, my advice is simple—do it. The impact on member satisfaction and operational efficiency is undeniable.”

Jack Johnson, Director, Old Coast Pickleball Club

Operational Benefits

The integration of DUPR with CourtReserve has also streamlined operations at OCP.

Event organization, member scheduling, and tournament management have become more efficient, allowing the club to focus on growth and member satisfaction.

“Since implementing DUPR, we’ve seen an increase in event participation and have successfully launched programs that cater to all levels of play,” Jack notes.

“The objective nature of DUPR has minimized egos and subjective opinions, creating a more welcoming atmosphere.”

Competitive and Community Impact

DUPR has not only enhanced the competitive environment at OCP but also strengthened the club’s community.

“The system has brought members closer together; I literally watch the camaraderie as they compete and improve their skills,” Jack says.

“It’s amazing to see how DUPR has helped build a stronger, more connected community within our club.”

Photo inside Old Coast Pickleball

IMAGE: Photo inside Old Coast Pickleball with courts full of players.

Results and Growth

OCP’s strategic adoption of DUPR has led to exceptional results.

Not only has the club maintained a 100% retention rate since its launch, but it has also seen significant growth in membership and event participation.

“Members appreciate that they can count on playing with others at their level, which is why they stay,” says Jack.

“DUPR has been a key factor in our success.”

Future Plans

Looking forward, OCP plans to continue leveraging the strengths of CourtReserve and DUPR.

With plans to expand programming and open a new 12-court facility in 2025, the club is poised for even greater success.

“Our 100% retention rate speaks volumes,” Jack concludes.

“For other club owners considering DUPR, my advice is simple—do it. The impact on member satisfaction and operational efficiency is undeniable.”

“Our members love that they can count on getting good games, thanks to DUPR and CourtReserve.”

Jack Johnson, Director, Old Coast Pickleball Club

Looking for a club management solution for your pickleball club or franchise? Meet with CourtReserve and receive complimentary onboarding and training.

Looking to offer players level-based programming that is fun and fair? Start your DUPR Digital Club today for free and download the app to join the largest global pickleball community. 

This case study was originally published on DUPR.

Free E-book

Elevate & Engage: Kick-starting Success in Your New Pickleball Club: This comprehensive ebook is tailored specifically for club owners and facility managers. With actionable insights, practical advice, and industry secrets, you'll have everything you need to elevate your Pickleball club to new heights.

Elevate & Engage Pickleball Ebook


What You'll Discover Inside:

  • Build a solid player base
  • The four essential components of your facility
  • Maximizing your revenue
  • Attracting new players
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