CourtReserve Core Focus #1: Innovation

Innovative or unimaginative? How do you stay ahead of competition? Court Reserve logo in corner.

Is your company innovative or unimaginative?

Are you proactive and take action on what can set your company apart,
or do you try to “get by” and maintain the status quo?

Are you Netflix or Blockbuster?
Are you Uber or the run-of-the-mill taxi cab company?
Are you Apple or Nokia?

Blue ticket with the text "INNOVATE OR DIE" in bold yellow letters.One of the core values we live out at CourtReserve is innovation. 

I often challenge our product team with a simple statement:

“If one of our competitors were to build a new feature to put us out of business, what would it be?”

We then take those features and run with them.
We make it a priority and get them on our roadmap.
We never settle, and we never stop thinking about how to be better for our customers.

We empower our amazing clubs and organizations to tell us what could make them more efficient at their everyday job. We give them tools to submit their ideas and review others. We allow our customers to collaborate on new ideas and vote on the ones they like the best. Then we execute on those ideas. We prioritize delivering 5-10 new customer ideas a month and credit each client that takes the time to submit their opinion.

Don’t get complacent.
If you do, your customers will look elsewhere.

Don’t assume your customers will remain loyal.
Please give them a reason to do so.

Don’t look backward and harp on the mistakes.
Keep your eyes pointed forward and celebrate the wins!

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How automating your club is directly related to acquiring and retaining more members at your club

Tim Owens
Founder of