We’re closing in on the end of summer which means one step closer to the US Open event. But why not have your own local tournament?
Every year the Homeowner’s association hosts a series of games and events to help build the local community. This short guide will give you the ins and outs of how to build all kinds of exciting tennis events.
The Homeowner’s Association
The Homeowner’s Association is a group of voluntary homeowner’s in a specific area. These homeowners are responsible for coordinating personal events in the area that utilize the recreational properties. First, before coordinating a tennis event, you have to understand the foundations of building a tennis tournament.
Building the Tournament
These standard tournaments require a minimum of four and a maximum of sixty-four players. You’ll want to decide how many sets are in each match and whether you want to play singles or doubles before hosting events.
Once you decide the number of players and the match-up style, pick which teams you want to match. This can be a fun selective decision, totally random, or you can input names and auto-organize via a tournament bracket generator.
Once you have built the unit, you must schedule the event. Before the event date, all teams will need to be on the roster. They must also have their own time block.
Once you lock in the tournament, scout a few venues that may interest you. You may want to rent out the local tennis courts, or you could invest in renting an indoor venue that will accommodate the tournament.
Fundraising and Producing
Fundraising is a fun way to generate revenue to help build the event. In certain cases, a local business can sponsor the event providing essentials. If your city knows a minor league sports team, you can contact them for local sponsoring as well.
Charging admissions or setting a specific ticket price can also help generate tickets. Online calendars can help with local outreach as well.
By utilizing a simple registration system, you fund and know your audience. By selling tickets online you can help keep track of the number of people attending your event.
Holding meetups and seminars before the event will help unite the community. Establish meetings and have all coordinators attend to help answer questions and overcome obstacles.
Decorations and Design
Personalize your event and make it look entertaining. There are many ways to help design a fun tennis event. You can also rent or borrow a PA System to help communicate to attendees or play music before matches.
Research different kinds of outfits and color coordinate team t-shirts. Audience members will be able to differentiate who is playing who. Be sure to pick up the best kinds of tennis shoes and tennis equipment.
A great incentive to have teams play is to not only announce winners but award prizes! Cash is never a bad option for a prize.
But, to further personalize, winners could also receive their own winner plaque or trophy. Local trophy construction stores can help implement the titles you want for the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners.
Hosting Exciting Tennis Events
Now that venues are re-opening, this summer is teeming with community-building opportunities. There are many resources your local HOA can use to help host their tennis events.
So, are you ready for your next match-up? Follow our blog for more information on how to build your own amateur tennis matches!