Increase Your Club Revenue Stream

Increase Your Club Revenue Stream

Lessons and Programming can be huge revenue drivers at any tennis or pickleball facility. An example is in the tennis community when children will progress from red ball to green ball. Private lessons are also a staple in the development of juniors hoping to make their way to a college team. It’s a natural fit for children’s programming.  But what about us adults and specifically progression from beginners to average players in both tennis and pickleball?

When it comes to generating revenue at your organization, there are several different streams available. One stream that can create recurring revenue and “sticky” (i.e. they are loyal to your organization) members is Progressive Programming. Read more to find out how technology and a plan can increase your bottom line by an extra $30,000!

A new player or member will take an average of 2.5 lessons and then move towards open play or social play. Without a plan or path for continual skill development, not only does the player miss out on advancement but the club fails to capitalize on the opportunity that the player represents. Using a digital club platform helps you:

  • Create the Progressive Program online for visibility and easy registration
  • Email or text updates to players announcing new dates and motivation to keep playing
  • Easily restrict your programming by groups of players by rating so the same skill levels are competing together
  • Sell additional packages of programming and lessons online so the players can easily pay and keep track of punch cards

Players today want options and opportunities in the palm of their hands! Facilities with specific progressive programs for adults turn on a revenue stream that is often overlooked. These facilities also use online software to track programming, fees, and reporting which often shows increased revenue. What does this look like and what’s in it for the pro and the facility?

Membership fees can include a standard progressive program or customized development plan that includes:

[ ] A number of private  / semi-private lessons

[ ] A number of passes for the beginner, intermediate and advanced classes.

[ ] A number of open play or round-robin passes so they can take their new skills and put them into action.

To fully utilize this concept, focus on the progressive program options when educating a new member on your facility. If your facility does tours, talk them through how members move from beginners to more seasoned players at your club which opens up new opportunities to expand their game. Demonstrate the ease of signing up for lessons and programming by demonstrating your club software platform color coded for instructors and classes. 

Let’s do some math based on some numbers we have seen:

Option A – Adult Membership with No Progressive Program –  $50 per month for 12 months equals $600. They are a brand new player and they stick with the weekly open plays or social round robins for beginners at $5 a session. On average they come 2 times a week for 52 weeks. That’s an additional $520 to your bottom line. So this member is an $1120 revenue stream for the first year.

Option B – Adult Membership with Progressive Program – $100 per month equals $1200. They are also a brand new player but after going through the progressive program their skill and ability allow them to now participate in more advanced open plays and round robins. After they finish their initial program they also come to Open Plays 2 times a week but they have so much fun they also pay to participate in your weekly round robins ($10 times 25 weeks equals $250) and they love the monthly tournaments ($15 times 10 months equals $150) but wait they also signed up for 2 of the 4 league sessions which are an additional $35 a pop – total $70. This Member is a $1,670 revenue stream. Have we mentioned they start telling their friends how much fun they are having?

Progressive Program includes:

2 private lessons Value $100

2 semi-private lessons Value $80

2 beginner classes Value $20

2 intermediate classes Value $20

4 Open Play Passes Value $20

1 Round Robin Pass Value $10

1 Beginner Club Tournament Pass Value $15

Total Added Value $265 

Dreaded Option C  – Adult Member who never gets a lesson and who never connects to your club will eventually leave and take their monthly membership with them. If a player at either a tennis or pickleball club doesn’t feel equipped to play and have the opportunity to improve they will leave.

Take 50 Option A members at $1120 and that totals $56,000. Now take the same 50 members but Option B at $1670 and that’s $83,500. What would you do with $30,000?

Progressive Programming can have a huge impact on generating revenue at a club and helping create sticky members. Contact CourtReserve to learn more about how we help organizations manage their memberships, set up programming, and more!

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How automating your club is directly related to acquiring and retaining more members at your club

Tim Owens
Founder of