CourtReserve Core Focus #1: Innovation

Is your company innovative or unimaginative? Are you proactive and take action on what can set your company apart, or do you try to “get by” and maintain the status quo? Are you Netflix or Blockbuster? Are you Uber or the run-of-the-mill taxi cab company? Are you Apple or Nokia? One of the core values we live out at CourtReserve is innovation.  I often challenge our product team with a simple

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2021 CourtReserve Highlights for Tennis and Pickleball Clubs

Can you believe that 2021 has already come to an end! CourtReserve celebrated 5 years of service to the racquet and sports industry this past August and is the number one club management software for tennis and pickleball clubs! In fact, publications including the Global Sports Management Software Market Report highlighted CourtReserve as a Key

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Customer Relations: How to Attract and Retain New Club Members

A bad customer service experience can ruin a brand. Research shows that 13% of unsatisfied consumers tell 15 people or more about their unhappy experience. Now, that can damage any company’s reputation and make customers scared of visiting your business. So how can you fix your organization’s customer service? Don’t worry with this guide; you can find

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